## Quick Web UI for Llama2 Chat If you prefer to see Llama2 in action in a web UI, instead of the notebooks above, you can try one of the two methods: ### Running [Streamlit](https://streamlit.io/) with Llama2 Open a Terminal, run the following commands: ``` pip install streamlit langchain replicate git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama-recipes cd llama-recipes/llama-demo-apps ``` Replace the `` in `streamlit_llama2.py` with your API token created [here](https://replicate.com/account/api-tokens) - for more info, see the note [above](#replicate_note). Then run the command `streamlit run streamlit_llama2.py` and you'll see on your browser the following UI with question and answer - you can enter new text question, click Submit, and see Llama2's answer: ![](../../../docs/images/llama2-streamlit.png) ![](../../../docs/images/llama2-streamlit2.png) ### Running [Gradio](https://www.gradio.app/) with Llama2 (using [Replicate](Llama2_Gradio.ipynb) or [OctoAI](../../llama_api_providers/OctoAI_API_examples/Llama2_Gradio.ipynb)) To see how to query Llama2 and get answers with the Gradio UI both from the notebook and web, just launch the notebook `Llama2_Gradio.ipynb`. For more info, on how to get set up with a token to power these apps, see the note on [Replicate](../../README.md#replicate_note) and [OctoAI](../../README.md##octoai_note). Then enter your question, click Submit. You'll see in the notebook or a browser with URL the following UI: ![](../../../docs/images/llama2-gradio.png)