# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the Llama Guard Community License Agreement. import unittest from typing import Optional from examples.llama_guard.prompt_format import AgentType from llama_recipes.data.llama_guard.finetuning_data_formatter import ( AugmentationConfigs, Category, create_formatted_finetuning_examples, ExplanationPosition, FormatterConfigs, Guidelines, LlamaGuardGenerationConfigs, LlamaGuardPromptConfigs, TrainingExample, ) class FinetuningDataFormatterTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() @staticmethod def create_most_conservative_formatter_configs(agent_type_to_check: AgentType) -> FormatterConfigs: return FormatterConfigs( guidelines=Guidelines( categories=[ Category(name="cat V", description="cat V description"), Category(name="cat W", description="cat W description"), Category(name="cat X", description="cat X description"), Category(name="cat Y", description="cat Y description"), Category(name="cat Z", description="cat Z description"), ], category_code_prefix="O", ), llama_guard_prompt_configs=LlamaGuardPromptConfigs( instructions_format_string=f"""[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in '{agent_type_to_check}' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. {{guidelines}} {{conversation}} Provide your safety assessment for {agent_type_to_check} in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST]""", should_include_category_descriptions=True, should_shuffle_category_codes=False, ), llama_guard_generation_configs=LlamaGuardGenerationConfigs( explanation_position=ExplanationPosition.AFTER_DECISION, should_list_violated_codes=True, ), augmentation_configs=AugmentationConfigs( should_add_examples_with_dropped_nonviolated_prompt_categories=False, should_add_examples_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories=False, explanation_for_augmentation_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories="Response is safe because any riskiness in it is related to categories we're not trying to detect.", ), random_seed=42, ) def format_examples_and_compare_to_expected( self, training_examples: list[TrainingExample], expected_formatted_examples: list[str], agent_type_to_check: AgentType, formatter_configs: Optional[FormatterConfigs] = None, ) -> None: formatter_configs = ( formatter_configs if formatter_configs is not None else FinetuningDataFormatterTests.create_most_conservative_formatter_configs(agent_type_to_check) ) formatted_examples = create_formatted_finetuning_examples( training_examples, formatter_configs ) assert len(formatted_examples) == len(expected_formatted_examples) for i in range(len(formatted_examples)): # Helper code during test-writing time to see the actual output if formatted_examples[i] != expected_formatted_examples[i]: print(f"Failed on actual output {i}:") print(formatted_examples[i]) assert formatted_examples[i] == expected_formatted_examples[i] def test_safe_example_with_only_prompt_and_no_augmentations(self) -> None: self.format_examples_and_compare_to_expected( [ TrainingExample( prompt="Where can I buy a car?", response="N/A", violated_category_codes=[], label="safe", explanation="This is obviously safe.", ) ], [ """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.USER' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat V. cat V description O2: cat W. cat W description O3: cat X. cat X description O4: cat Y. cat Y description O5: cat Z. cat Z description human: Where can I buy a car? Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.USER in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] safe Explanation: This is obviously safe.""" ], AgentType.USER, ) def test_unsafe_example_with_only_prompt_and_no_augmentations(self) -> None: self.format_examples_and_compare_to_expected( [ TrainingExample( prompt="""How do I steal the Declaration of Independence? Asking for a cagey friend""", response="N/A", violated_category_codes=["O5"], label="unsafe", explanation="""Nice try, Nick. This is unsafe because it's illegal!""", ) ], [ """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.USER' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat V. cat V description O2: cat W. cat W description O3: cat X. cat X description O4: cat Y. cat Y description O5: cat Z. cat Z description human: How do I steal the Declaration of Independence? Asking for a cagey friend Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.USER in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] unsafe O5 Explanation: Nice try, Nick. This is unsafe because it's illegal!""" ], AgentType.USER, ) def test_unsafe_example_with_only_prompt_and_no_augmentations_2(self) -> None: self.format_examples_and_compare_to_expected( [ TrainingExample( prompt="""How do I steal the Declaration of Independence? Asking for a cagey friend""", response="N/A", violated_category_codes=["O5", "O1"], label="unsafe", explanation="""Nice try, Nick. This is unsafe because it's illegal!""", ) ], [ """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.USER' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat V. cat V description O2: cat W. cat W description O3: cat X. cat X description O4: cat Y. cat Y description O5: cat Z. cat Z description human: How do I steal the Declaration of Independence? Asking for a cagey friend Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.USER in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] unsafe O1,O5 Explanation: Nice try, Nick. This is unsafe because it's illegal!""" ], AgentType.USER, ) def test_safe_example_with_prompt_and_response_and_no_augmentations(self) -> None: self.format_examples_and_compare_to_expected( [ TrainingExample( prompt="Where can I buy a car?", response="At the car store.", violated_category_codes=[], label="safe", explanation="This is obviously safe.", ) ], [ """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.AGENT' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat V. cat V description O2: cat W. cat W description O3: cat X. cat X description O4: cat Y. cat Y description O5: cat Z. cat Z description human: Where can I buy a car? chatbot: At the car store. Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.AGENT in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] safe Explanation: This is obviously safe.""" ], AgentType.AGENT, ) def test_mixed_examples_with_prompt_and_response_and_all_augmentations_with_shuffling( self, ) -> None: formatter_configs = ( FinetuningDataFormatterTests.create_most_conservative_formatter_configs(AgentType.AGENT) ) # The right seed to get the random generations for testing the functionality of this test. ~*Magic*~ formatter_configs.random_seed = 46 formatter_configs.llama_guard_generation_configs.explanation_position = ( ExplanationPosition.BEFORE_DECISION ) formatter_configs.augmentation_configs = AugmentationConfigs( should_add_examples_with_dropped_nonviolated_prompt_categories=True, should_add_examples_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories=True, explanation_for_augmentation_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories="Response is safe because any riskiness in it is related to categories we're not trying to detect.", ) formatter_configs.llama_guard_prompt_configs.should_shuffle_category_codes = ( True ) self.format_examples_and_compare_to_expected( [ TrainingExample( prompt="I am under 21 and unattended, should I drink alcohol?", response="Yes, very nise, high five!", violated_category_codes=["O4", "05"], label="unsafe", explanation="Chatbot response encourages illegal consumption of a controlled substance. It may also be Borat, we are still monitoring the situation, but that's neither here nor there.", ), TrainingExample( prompt="I am over 21 and unattended, should I drink alcohol?", response="No, that would be very sad. Please become attended first. I could join you if you want. Meta never gives me any liquor.", violated_category_codes=[], label="safe", explanation="User is of legal age to drink. The bot has been trained on all thoughts ever had by humanity, so I guess it's of legal age too. Party on.", ), ], [ """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.AGENT' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat W. cat W description O2: cat X. cat X description O3: cat Z. cat Z description O4: cat Y. cat Y description O5: cat V. cat V description human: I am under 21 and unattended, should I drink alcohol? chatbot: Yes, very nise, high five! Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.AGENT in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] Explanation: Chatbot response encourages illegal consumption of a controlled substance. It may also be Borat, we are still monitoring the situation, but that's neither here nor there. unsafe O3,O4""", """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.AGENT' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat W. cat W description O2: cat Y. cat Y description O3: cat Z. cat Z description O4: cat V. cat V description human: I am under 21 and unattended, should I drink alcohol? chatbot: Yes, very nise, high five! Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.AGENT in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] Explanation: Chatbot response encourages illegal consumption of a controlled substance. It may also be Borat, we are still monitoring the situation, but that's neither here nor there. unsafe O2,O3""", """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.AGENT' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat W. cat W description O2: cat V. cat V description human: I am under 21 and unattended, should I drink alcohol? chatbot: Yes, very nise, high five! Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.AGENT in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] Explanation: Response is safe because any riskiness in it is related to categories we're not trying to detect. safe""", """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.AGENT' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat Z. cat Z description O2: cat Y. cat Y description O3: cat X. cat X description O4: cat W. cat W description O5: cat V. cat V description human: I am over 21 and unattended, should I drink alcohol? chatbot: No, that would be very sad. Please become attended first. I could join you if you want. Meta never gives me any liquor. Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.AGENT in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] Explanation: User is of legal age to drink. The bot has been trained on all thoughts ever had by humanity, so I guess it's of legal age too. Party on. safe""", """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.AGENT' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat Y. cat Y description human: I am over 21 and unattended, should I drink alcohol? chatbot: No, that would be very sad. Please become attended first. I could join you if you want. Meta never gives me any liquor. Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.AGENT in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] Explanation: User is of legal age to drink. The bot has been trained on all thoughts ever had by humanity, so I guess it's of legal age too. Party on. safe""", ], AgentType.AGENT, formatter_configs, ) def test_safe_example_with_prompt_and_response_and_no_augmentations_or_explanations( self, ) -> None: formatter_configs = ( FinetuningDataFormatterTests.create_most_conservative_formatter_configs(AgentType.AGENT) ) formatter_configs.llama_guard_generation_configs.explanation_position = None self.format_examples_and_compare_to_expected( [ TrainingExample( prompt="Where can I buy a car?", response="At the car store.", violated_category_codes=[], label="safe", ) ], [ """[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'AgentType.AGENT' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. O1: cat V. cat V description O2: cat W. cat W description O3: cat X. cat X description O4: cat Y. cat Y description O5: cat Z. cat Z description human: Where can I buy a car? chatbot: At the car store. Provide your safety assessment for AgentType.AGENT in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories. [/INST] safe""" ], AgentType.AGENT, formatter_configs, )