@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the Llama Guard License Agreement.
+import copy
+import random
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence
+class Category:
+ name: str
+ description: str
+class Guidelines:
+ categories: Sequence[Category]
+ category_code_prefix: str = "O"
+class ExplanationPosition(Enum):
+class LlamaGuardPromptConfigs:
+ instructions_format_string: str
+ should_include_category_descriptions: bool
+ should_shuffle_category_codes: bool = True
+class LlamaGuardGenerationConfigs:
+ should_list_violated_codes: bool
+ explanation_position: Optional[ExplanationPosition]
+class AugmentationConfigs:
+ probability_to_add_safe_examples_with_empty_responses: float = 0
+ explanation_for_augmentation_with_safe_example_with_empty_response: Optional[
+ str
+ ] = None
+ should_add_examples_with_dropped_nonviolated_prompt_categories: bool = True
+ should_add_examples_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories: bool = (
+ False
+ )
+ explanation_for_augmentation_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories: Optional[
+ str
+ ] = None
+class FormatterConfigs:
+ guidelines: Guidelines
+ llama_guard_prompt_configs: LlamaGuardPromptConfigs
+ llama_guard_generation_configs: LlamaGuardGenerationConfigs
+ augmentation_configs: AugmentationConfigs
+ # Allows subsequent reruns to reuse a stable seed for reproducibility
+ random_seed: int = 42
+class TrainingExample:
+ prompt: str
+ response: str
+ violated_category_codes: list[str]
+ label: Literal["safe", "unsafe"]
+ explanation: str
+def create_formatted_finetuning_examples(
+ training_examples: Sequence[TrainingExample],
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> list[str]:
+ """
+ This formatter takes consumer-provided training examples and converts them to
+ the right format for finetuning llama-guard.
+ There are various configuration options available.
+ A notable one is the ability to automagically augment the finetuning data set with some useful
+ transformations of the original training examples. These augmentations make the
+ classifier more flexible by improving its ability to be modified at inference time
+ to include only a subset of the original categories it was trained on - without any
+ additional finetuning.
+ Some of these augmented transformations are made by duplicating training
+ examples and safely removing some violation categories from the llama
+ guard prompts. Because of this, in some of this file you will see
+ references to "original" category indices/codes and rewritten one. The originals
+ are the indices/codes of the violation categories as they appear in the
+ consumer-provided guidelines. The rewritten codes are the ones as they appear
+ in the llama guard prompts of the augmented examples. We occasionally need to
+ convert between the two.
+ """
+ _verify_formatter_configs(formatter_configs)
+ random.seed(formatter_configs.random_seed)
+ indices_of_all_categories = range(len(formatter_configs.guidelines.categories))
+ to_return = []
+ for training_example in training_examples:
+ to_return.append(
+ _create_formatted_finetuning_example(
+ training_example,
+ formatter_configs,
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt=list(
+ indices_of_all_categories
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ _maybe_add_data_augmentations_for_example(
+ training_example, to_return, indices_of_all_categories, formatter_configs
+ )
+ return to_return
+def _verify_formatter_configs(
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> None:
+ if (
+ formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.probability_to_add_safe_examples_with_empty_responses
+ > 0
+ and formatter_configs.llama_guard_generation_configs.explanation_position
+ is not None
+ and formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.explanation_for_augmentation_with_safe_example_with_empty_response
+ is None
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ """The configuration setup requires you to specify
+ explanation_for_augmentation_with_safe_example_with_empty_response. This is an
+ explanation that we use for dynamically-created safe augmentation examples.
+ Consider something like 'This interaction is safe because the response of the chatbot is empty.'"""
+ )
+ if (
+ formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.should_add_examples_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories
+ > 0
+ and formatter_configs.llama_guard_generation_configs.explanation_position
+ is not None
+ and formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.explanation_for_augmentation_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories
+ is None
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(
+ """The configuration setup requires you to specify
+ explanation_for_augmentation_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories.
+ This is an explanation that we use for dynamically-created safe augmentation examples.
+ Consider something like 'This interaction is safe because any riskiness it contains
+ is related to violation categories that we're explicitly not trying to detect here.'"""
+ )
+def _create_formatted_finetuning_example(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt: List[int],
+) -> str:
+ if formatter_configs.llama_guard_prompt_configs.should_shuffle_category_codes:
+ random.shuffle(category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt)
+ else:
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt = sorted(
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt
+ )
+ llama_guard_prompt = _create_llama_guard_prompt(
+ training_example,
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt,
+ formatter_configs,
+ )
+ llama_guard_generation = _create_llama_guard_generation(
+ training_example,
+ formatter_configs,
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt,
+ )
+ return f"{llama_guard_prompt} {llama_guard_generation}"
+def _is_a_prompt_only_example(training_example: TrainingExample) -> bool:
+ return training_example.response == "N/A"
+def _create_llama_guard_prompt(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ category_indices_to_include: List[int],
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> str:
+ full_guidelines_text = ""
+ for (
+ rewritten_category_index_for_current_prompt,
+ original_category_index,
+ ) in enumerate(category_indices_to_include):
+ category = formatter_configs.guidelines.categories[original_category_index]
+ # Indices start at 0, but categories start at 1, so we add 1
+ full_guidelines_text += f"\n{formatter_configs.guidelines.category_code_prefix}{rewritten_category_index_for_current_prompt + 1}: {category.name}. "
+ if (
+ formatter_configs.llama_guard_prompt_configs.should_include_category_descriptions
+ ):
+ full_guidelines_text += f"\n{category.description}"
+ conversation = {"human": training_example.prompt}
+ if not _is_a_prompt_only_example(training_example):
+ conversation["chatbot"] = training_example.response
+ return formatter_configs.llama_guard_prompt_configs.instructions_format_string.format_map(
+ {
+ "guidelines": full_guidelines_text,
+ "conversation": _serialize_conversation(conversation),
+ }
+ )
+def _serialize_conversation(conversation: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
+ conversation_as_list = []
+ for speaker, message in conversation.items():
+ conversation_as_list.append(f"{speaker}: {message}")
+ return "\n\n".join(conversation_as_list)
+def _create_llama_guard_generation(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+ category_indices_included_in_llama_guard_prompt: List[int],
+) -> str:
+ to_return = training_example.label
+ if (
+ training_example.label == "unsafe"
+ and formatter_configs.llama_guard_generation_configs.should_list_violated_codes
+ ):
+ violated_category_indices = set(
+ _convert_category_codes_to_indices(
+ training_example.violated_category_codes,
+ formatter_configs,
+ )
+ )
+ map_of_original_category_indices_to_rewritten_category_codes = (
+ _get_map_of_original_category_indices_to_rewritten_category_codes(
+ formatter_configs, category_indices_included_in_llama_guard_prompt
+ )
+ )
+ rewritten_violated_category_codes = [
+ map_of_original_category_indices_to_rewritten_category_codes[violated_index]
+ for violated_index in violated_category_indices
+ ]
+ to_return += "\n"
+ to_return += ",".join(rewritten_violated_category_codes)
+ explanation_position = (
+ formatter_configs.llama_guard_generation_configs.explanation_position
+ )
+ if explanation_position == ExplanationPosition.BEFORE_DECISION:
+ to_return = f"Explanation: {training_example.explanation}\n{to_return}"
+ elif explanation_position == ExplanationPosition.AFTER_DECISION:
+ to_return = f"{to_return}\nExplanation: {training_example.explanation}"
+ return to_return
+def _get_map_of_original_category_indices_to_rewritten_category_codes(
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+ category_indices_included_in_llama_guard_prompt: List[int],
+) -> Dict[int, str]:
+ to_return = {}
+ for rewritten_category_index, original_category_index in enumerate(
+ category_indices_included_in_llama_guard_prompt
+ ):
+ to_return[
+ original_category_index
+ ] = formatter_configs.guidelines.category_code_prefix + str(
+ rewritten_category_index + 1
+ )
+ return to_return
+def _maybe_add_data_augmentations_for_example(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ formatted_examples_being_built: list[dict[str, str]],
+ indices_of_all_categories: range,
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> None:
+ _maybe_add_safe_example_with_empty_response(
+ training_example,
+ formatted_examples_being_built,
+ indices_of_all_categories,
+ formatter_configs,
+ )
+ _maybe_add_examples_with_dropped_prompt_categories(
+ training_example,
+ formatted_examples_being_built,
+ indices_of_all_categories,
+ formatter_configs,
+ )
+def _maybe_add_safe_example_with_empty_response(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ formatted_examples_being_built: list[dict[str, str]],
+ indices_of_all_categories: range,
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> None:
+ """
+ For any prompt+response pair, an empty response is a safe response,
+ so we allow the data to be augmented by adding a safe example with the same
+ prompt but an empty response.
+ """
+ if (
+ not _is_a_prompt_only_example(training_example)
+ and training_example.response != ""
+ and random.random()
+ < formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.probability_to_add_safe_examples_with_empty_responses
+ ):
+ training_example_copy = copy.deepcopy(training_example)
+ training_example_copy.response = ""
+ training_example_copy.label = "safe"
+ training_example_copy.violated_category_codes = []
+ training_example_copy.explanation = (
+ formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.explanation_for_augmentation_with_safe_example_with_empty_response
+ )
+ formatted_examples_being_built.append(
+ _create_formatted_finetuning_example(
+ training_example_copy,
+ formatter_configs,
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt=list(
+ indices_of_all_categories
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+def _maybe_add_examples_with_dropped_prompt_categories(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ formatted_examples_being_built: list[dict[str, str]],
+ indices_of_all_categories: range,
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> None:
+ violated_category_indices = _convert_category_codes_to_indices(
+ training_example.violated_category_codes,
+ formatter_configs,
+ )
+ nonviolated_category_indices = list(
+ set(indices_of_all_categories) - set(violated_category_indices)
+ )
+ _maybe_add_example_with_dropped_nonviolated_prompt_categories(
+ training_example,
+ formatted_examples_being_built,
+ indices_of_all_categories,
+ nonviolated_category_indices,
+ formatter_configs,
+ )
+ _maybe_add_example_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories(
+ training_example,
+ formatted_examples_being_built,
+ indices_of_all_categories,
+ violated_category_indices,
+ nonviolated_category_indices,
+ formatter_configs,
+ )
+def _convert_category_codes_to_indices(
+ codes: list[str], formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs
+) -> list[int]:
+ # Category codes start at 1, but indices start at 0, so we subtract 1
+ return [
+ int(code.lstrip(formatter_configs.guidelines.category_code_prefix)) - 1
+ for code in codes
+ ]
+def _maybe_add_example_with_dropped_nonviolated_prompt_categories(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ formatted_examples_being_built: list[dict[str, str]],
+ indices_of_all_categories: range,
+ nonviolated_category_indices: list[int],
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> None:
+ """
+ If a prompt+response pair does not violate certain categories, we can augment
+ the data by duplicating the training example but removing some of the non-violated
+ categories from the llama guard prompt. This facilitates removing categories from
+ the llama guard prompt at inference time without any additional finetuning.
+ """
+ if (
+ not formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.should_add_examples_with_dropped_nonviolated_prompt_categories
+ ):
+ return
+ number_of_categories_to_drop = random.randint(0, len(nonviolated_category_indices))
+ if number_of_categories_to_drop == len(indices_of_all_categories):
+ number_of_categories_to_drop -= 1
+ dropped_category_indices = random.sample(
+ nonviolated_category_indices, number_of_categories_to_drop
+ )
+ retained_category_indices = list(
+ set(indices_of_all_categories) - (set(dropped_category_indices))
+ )
+ formatted_examples_being_built.append(
+ _create_formatted_finetuning_example(
+ training_example,
+ formatter_configs,
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt=retained_category_indices,
+ )
+ )
+def _maybe_add_example_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories(
+ training_example: TrainingExample,
+ formatted_examples_being_built: list[dict[str, str]],
+ indices_of_all_categories: range,
+ violated_category_indices: list[int],
+ nonviolated_category_indices: list[int],
+ formatter_configs: FormatterConfigs,
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Same as in _maybe_add_example_with_dropped_nonviolated_prompt_categories but we
+ also drop all of the violated categories from the llama guard prompt.
+ """
+ if (
+ training_example.label == "safe"
+ or not formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.should_add_examples_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories
+ ):
+ return
+ random_nonviolated_category_indices_to_drop = random.sample(
+ nonviolated_category_indices,
+ random.randint(0, len(nonviolated_category_indices) - 1),
+ )
+ set_of_retained_category_indices = (
+ set(indices_of_all_categories)
+ - set(violated_category_indices)
+ - set(random_nonviolated_category_indices_to_drop)
+ )
+ training_example_copy = copy.deepcopy(training_example)
+ training_example_copy.label = "safe"
+ training_example_copy.violated_category_codes = []
+ training_example_copy.explanation = (
+ formatter_configs.augmentation_configs.explanation_for_augmentation_with_dropped_violated_and_nonviolated_prompt_categories
+ )
+ formatted_examples_being_built.append(
+ _create_formatted_finetuning_example(
+ training_example_copy,
+ formatter_configs,
+ category_indeces_to_include_in_llama_guard_prompt=list(
+ set_of_retained_category_indices
+ ),
+ )
+ )