@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ name: "llama2-7b-v1"
+ model_name: "Llama2-7b"
+# AWS and SageMaker settings
+ # AWS region, this parameter is templatized, no need to change
+ region: {region}
+ # SageMaker execution role used to run FMBench, this parameter is templatized, no need to change
+ sagemaker_execution_role: {role_arn}
+ # S3 bucket to which metrics, plots and reports would be written to
+ bucket: {write_bucket} ## add the name of your desired bucket
+# directory paths in the write bucket, no need to change these
+ data_prefix: data
+ prompts_prefix: prompts
+ all_prompts_file: all_prompts.csv
+ metrics_dir: metrics
+ models_dir: models
+ metadata_dir: metadata
+# S3 information for reading datasets, scripts and tokenizer
+ # read bucket name, templatized, if left unchanged will default to sagemaker-fmbench-read-{region}-{account_id}
+ read_bucket: {read_bucket}
+ # S3 prefix in the read bucket where deployment and inference scripts should be placed
+ scripts_prefix: scripts
+ # deployment and inference script files to be downloaded are placed in this list
+ # only needed if you are creating a new deployment script or inference script
+ # your HuggingFace token does need to be in this list and should be called "hf_token.txt"
+ script_files:
+ - hf_token.txt
+ # configuration files (like this one) are placed in this prefix
+ configs_prefix: configs
+ # list of configuration files to download, for now only pricing.yml needs to be downloaded
+ config_files:
+ - pricing.yml
+ # S3 prefix for the dataset files
+ source_data_prefix: source_data
+ # list of dataset files, the list below is from the LongBench dataset https://huggingface.co/datasets/THUDM/LongBench
+ source_data_files:
+ - 2wikimqa_e.jsonl
+ - 2wikimqa.jsonl
+ - hotpotqa_e.jsonl
+ - hotpotqa.jsonl
+ - narrativeqa.jsonl
+ - triviaqa_e.jsonl
+ - triviaqa.jsonl
+ # S3 prefix for the tokenizer to be used with the models
+ # NOTE 1: the same tokenizer is used with all the models being tested through a config file
+ # NOTE 2: place your model specific tokenizers in a prefix named as <model_name>_tokenizer
+ # so the mistral tokenizer goes in mistral_tokenizer, Llama2 tokenizer goes in llama2_tokenizer
+ tokenizer_prefix: tokenizer
+ # S3 prefix for prompt templates
+ prompt_template_dir: prompt_template
+ # prompt template to use, NOTE: same prompt template gets used for all models being tested through a config file
+ # the FMBench repo already contains a bunch of prompt templates so review those first before creating a new one
+ prompt_template_file: prompt_template_llama2.txt
+# steps to run, usually all of these would be
+# set to yes so nothing needs to change here
+# you could, however, bypass some steps for example
+# set the 2_deploy_model.ipynb to no if you are re-running
+# the same config file and the model is already deployed
+ 0_setup.ipynb: yes
+ 1_generate_data.ipynb: yes
+ 2_deploy_model.ipynb: yes
+ 3_run_inference.ipynb: yes
+ 4_model_metric_analysis.ipynb: yes
+ 5_cleanup.ipynb: yes
+# dataset related configuration
+ # Refer to the 1_generate_data.ipynb notebook
+ # the dataset you use is expected to have the
+ # columns you put in prompt_template_keys list
+ # and your prompt template also needs to have
+ # the same placeholders (refer to the prompt template folder)
+ prompt_template_keys:
+ - input
+ - context
+ # if your dataset has multiple languages and it has a language
+ # field then you could filter it for a language. Similarly,
+ # you can filter your dataset to only keep prompts between
+ # a certain token length limit (the token length is determined
+ # using the tokenizer you provide in the tokenizer_prefix prefix in the
+ # read S3 bucket). Each of the array entries below create a payload file
+ # containing prompts matching the language and token length criteria.
+ filters:
+ - language: en
+ min_length_in_tokens: 1
+ max_length_in_tokens: 500
+ payload_file: payload_en_1-500.jsonl
+ - language: en
+ min_length_in_tokens: 500
+ max_length_in_tokens: 1000
+ payload_file: payload_en_500-1000.jsonl
+ - language: en
+ min_length_in_tokens: 1000
+ max_length_in_tokens: 2000
+ payload_file: payload_en_1000-2000.jsonl
+ - language: en
+ min_length_in_tokens: 2000
+ max_length_in_tokens: 3000
+ payload_file: payload_en_2000-3000.jsonl
+ - language: en
+ min_length_in_tokens: 3000
+ max_length_in_tokens: 3840
+ payload_file: payload_en_3000-3840.jsonl
+# While the tests would run on all the datasets
+# configured in the experiment entries below but
+# the price:performance analysis is only done for 1
+# dataset which is listed below as the dataset_of_interest
+ dataset_of_interest: en_2000-3000
+# all pricing information is in the pricing.yml file
+# this file is provided in the repo. You can add entries
+# to this file for new instance types and new Bedrock models
+pricing: pricing.yml
+# inference parameters, these are added to the payload
+# for each inference request. The list here is not static
+# any parameter supported by the inference container can be
+# added to the list. Put the sagemaker parameters in the sagemaker
+# section, bedrock parameters in the bedrock section (not shown here).
+# Use the section name (sagemaker in this example) in the inference_spec.parameter_set
+# section under experiments.
+ sagemaker:
+ do_sample: yes
+ temperature: 0.1
+ top_p: 0.92
+ top_k: 120
+ max_new_tokens: 100
+ return_full_text: False
+# Configuration for experiments to be run. The experiments section is an array
+# so more than one experiments can be added, these could belong to the same model
+# but different instance types, or different models, or even different hosting
+# options (such as one experiment is SageMaker and the other is Bedrock).
+ - name: llama2-7b-g5.xlarge-huggingface-pytorch-tgi-inference-2.0.1-tgi1.1.0
+ # model_id is interpreted in conjunction with the deployment_script, so if you
+ # use a JumpStart model id then set the deployment_script to jumpstart.py.
+ # if deploying directly from HuggingFace this would be a HuggingFace model id
+ # see the DJL serving deployment script in the code repo for reference.
+ model_id: meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b-f
+ model_version: "3.*"
+ model_name: llama2-7b-f
+ ep_name: llama-2-7b-g5xlarge
+ instance_type: "ml.g5.xlarge"
+ image_uri: '763104351884.dkr.ecr.{region}.amazonaws.com/huggingface-pytorch-tgi-inference:2.0.1-tgi1.1.0-gpu-py39-cu118-ubuntu20.04'
+ deploy: yes
+ instance_count: 1
+ # FMBench comes packaged with multiple deployment scripts, such as scripts for JumpStart
+ # scripts for deploying using DJL DeepSpeed, tensorRT etc. You can also add your own.
+ # See repo for details
+ deployment_script: jumpstart.py
+ # FMBench comes packaged with multiple inference scripts, such as scripts for SageMaker
+ # and Bedrock. You can also add your own. See repo for details
+ inference_script: sagemaker_predictor.py
+ inference_spec:
+ # this should match one of the sections in the inference_parameters section above
+ parameter_set: sagemaker
+ # runs are done for each combination of payload file and concurrency level
+ payload_files:
+ - payload_en_1-500.jsonl
+ - payload_en_500-1000.jsonl
+ - payload_en_1000-2000.jsonl
+ - payload_en_2000-3000.jsonl
+ # concurrency level refers to number of requests sent in parallel to an endpoint
+ # the next set of requests is sent once responses for all concurrent requests have
+ # been received.
+ concurrency_levels:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 4
+ # Added for models that require accepting a EULA
+ accept_eula: true
+ # Environment variables to be passed to the container
+ # this is not a fixed list, you can add more parameters as applicable.
+ env:
+ SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM: "inference.py"
+ MODEL_CACHE_ROOT: "/opt/ml/model"
+ HF_MODEL_ID: "/opt/ml/model"
+ SM_NUM_GPUS: "1"
+ - name: llama2-7b-g5.2xlarge-huggingface-pytorch-tgi-inference-2.0.1-tgi1.1.0
+ model_id: meta-textgeneration-llama-2-7b-f
+ model_version: "3.*"
+ model_name: llama2-7b-f
+ ep_name: llama-2-7b-g5-2xlarge
+ instance_type: "ml.g5.2xlarge"
+ image_uri: '763104351884.dkr.ecr.{region}.amazonaws.com/huggingface-pytorch-tgi-inference:2.0.1-tgi1.1.0-gpu-py39-cu118-ubuntu20.04'
+ deploy: yes
+ instance_count: 1
+ deployment_script: jumpstart.py
+ inference_script: sagemaker_predictor.py
+ inference_spec:
+ parameter_set: sagemaker
+ payload_files:
+ - payload_en_1-500.jsonl
+ - payload_en_500-1000.jsonl
+ - payload_en_1000-2000.jsonl
+ - payload_en_2000-3000.jsonl
+ concurrency_levels:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 4
+ accept_eula: true
+ env:
+ SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM: "inference.py"
+ MODEL_CACHE_ROOT: "/opt/ml/model"
+ HF_MODEL_ID: "/opt/ml/model"
+ SM_NUM_GPUS: "1"
+# parameters related to how the final report is generated
+ # constraints for latency, cost and error rate
+ # an experiment is considered successful or eligible for
+ # selection for a use-case if it satisfies all of the following
+ # constraints. Experiments are scored as per this criteria
+ # higher score is better (see 4_model_metric_analysis.ipynb score_run function)
+ latency_budget: 2
+ cost_per_10k_txn_budget: 20
+ error_rate_budget: 0
+ # other misc reporting parameters, see 4_model_metric_analysis.ipynb
+ # for more information
+ per_inference_request_file: per_inference_request_results.csv
+ all_metrics_file: all_metrics.csv
+ txn_count_for_showing_cost: 10000
+ v_shift_w_single_instance: 0.025
+ v_shift_w_gt_one_instance: 0.025